Gain strength by suffering
By Stan Thomas
You receive more when you suffer for doing good things. The reason why this law works (receiving more when you suffer for doing good) is because it builds you up. If you suffer for doing something bad, (which is usually a punishment), that is just to correct you to do what is right. When you are doing something good and you suffer for doing good, that experience builds you up and strengthens you. The thing to determine when you are suffering is whether you are suffering for doing bad or are you suffering for doing well. If you suffer for making a mistake on something (not necessarily doing a bad thing) it could have been something you have done in the past or past few days ago or a year ago that could have contributed to your dilemma.
Sometimes when you make a mistake on something you could be mistaken about something. Maybe you did not do your homework on something to be informed on what could possibly happen if you do not do certain things correctly. Sometimes things can go terribly wrong. I have learned that if you suffer for doing wrong it could really hurt you in many ways and it can set you back. On the other hand if you suffer for doing what is right you are building an inner strength. Take for example if you lift weights. You work out. You go to the gym and you lift weights. What happens? You pick up all of that weight and you do some bench presses. You do your reps and your sets and you get tired. Your muscles break down. Your muscles feel really sore and weak. After you rest those muscles from lifting weights and putting the proper nutrition into your body for several days your muscles begin to heal and grow. As a result, they grow stronger.
Lifting weights in the proper manner is a good thing to do for your body, and you will suffer some workout pain, and in the end your muscles will become stronger. Sufferings for doing good will break you down at first, and as you rest for a period of time and feed your soul with encouraging words, you will build back up. The building up process is enhanced by the proper nutrition of encouraging words, positive affirmations, prayer and meditation. Without these nutrients your spiritual muscles won’t grow as they should.
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